Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund is a critical element of the Paris Agreement. It is the world’s largest climate fund, mandated to support developing countries raise and realise their Nationally Determined Contributions ambitions towards low-emissions, climate-resilient pathways.

They invest across the built environment, energy & industry, human security, livelihoods and wellbeing, land-use, forests and ecosystems. Climate change offers businesses an unprecedented chance to capitalise on new growth and investment opportunities that can protect the planet as well. The Green Climate Fund employs funds to help mobilise financial flows from the private sector to compelling and profitable climate-smart investment opportunities.

The Green Climate Fund operates through a network of over 200 Accredited Entities and delivery partners who work directly with project design and implementation. Their partners include international and national commercial banks, multilateral, regional and national development finance institutions, equity fund institutions, United Nations agencies and civil society organisations. These partnerships enable the Green Climate Fund to foster unprecedented coalitions between private investors, development agencies and civil society organisations to achieve transformative change and support harmonisation of standards and practices.

CPRSX met with the Green Climate Fund leaders in Korea at their 2019 investment conference, where we were introduced to many funding institutions, industrial investors seeking a consistent supply of carbon-offset permits, World Wildlife Fund and other World Bank coalition partners.

Through the Green Climate Fund CPRSX were invited to submit funding and grant applications directly to the FMO Dutch Development Bank and the World Wildlife Fund. These applications passed Stage 1 Assessments and we are now required to submit the Stage 2 documents for assessment following which we will have achieved the final step to obtain sufficient funding for our REDD+ forestry and Protected Food Production projects.

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