Organic waste / biomass improves soil efficiency and fertility through the production of compost. Biochar as a soil additive enhances soil sequestration and it also retains water in the soil. Pyrolysis is a zero emissions technology at industrial scale, for producing safe and economic nutrient recovery processes which includes bonus by-products such as liquid transport biofuel. Most traditional Pyrolysis processing technologies are unsuitable for safe Biochar production under the EU ‘End of Waste’ legislation due to the characteristics of the Feedstock and Pyrolysis plant designs.

Biochar is produced from Biomass and animal bone char with originating carboniferous material that is specifically produced for soil and environmental improvement. Biochar production processing, including transformation of crude byproducts into refined liquid biofuels and open ecological biochar applications must meet EU and international industrial and environmental norms and standards. Properly produced Biochar improves soils and drought tolerance.
Animal bone-based biochar is equally valuable feedstock because it is free from heavy metals, with 30% phosphorus pentoxide content. This high phosphorus content makes it suitable as a safe, slow-release natural organic fertiliser product as opposed to chemosynthetic and non-renewable mineral phosphate fertilisers.
The mineral phosphate industry and use of chemosynthetic fertilisers causes cadmium build up in soil and increases greenhouse gas and fluorine emissions. They harm the environment and atmosphere. The phosphorus run off seeps into the subsurface water and then harms marine life and water quality. Intensive agriculture faces major challenges: soil quality is rapidly degrading through chemical and pesticide use. Demand for natural and cost-competitive fertilisers is rising as demand for agricultural products is increasing, due to unabated population growth. This forces farmers to increase reliance on synthetic fertilisers as soils degrade further with each harvest. Increasing population growth increases food demand and farmers are coming under increasing pressure to continue chemical use despite harming the environment, wildlife and marine life.
CPRSX developed supportive JV Partnerships with about 300 rural land owners in nearby Provinces so that they can also obtain new employment opportunities to grow huge quantities of feedstock for the Pyrolysis reactor in the Philippines.
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